It is a shame that some school Children from the nearby Township of Vukani have to pass through this neglected Dumpsite at the Old Queen Victoria Cemetery. These children from Samuel Ntsiko and Fikizolo Primary Schools have no other alternative but to go through this dumpsite everyday of their lives. But luckily this morning they had a pleasure of learning a little bit of their history. These graves belongs to some of the World War 2 Veterans Soldiers who went blindly to fight in the war with the ALLIED FORCES. Living behind families and young children with their mothers in the hope of a better life to come, 'when they return' hopefully alive. It is such a lack of understanding and respect for the dead that we should live this Heritage site in such ruins. The #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp has this Mandate to work with the Community in their Wards to clean up and beautify their immediate Areas, especially those of historical significance. Hence, today we were happy just to give some few lessons to Young ones to take home, hoping that will bring some relief to some families. It is high time that the Community of Makhanda benefit from the abundant Heritage Sites which we happen to be blessed with, throughout this beautiful landscape. It is time that our People no longer look for the Government to provide jobs, but to look further and Create Job Opportunities, hence the King Lobengula Foundation is at the forefront to help the Communities in realising this phenomenal Township Heritage Route and bring about much needed Economic boost through Tourism.