The King Lobengula Foundation is inviting the Community of Makhanda city to come forth, and be part of this historical EVENT. We are making a call to ALL; Schools; Artists and Sculptors of Mzantsi to join us as we prepare the grounds and create the biggest Christmas Tree in the Country in support of the #LightUptheNation Campaign. The Foundation is inviting ALL STAKEHOLDERS and the representatives of Community Organization to be part of this Campaign planned to prepare the Mt. Zion Royal Heritage Site for Christmas by cleaning the Site and have a Christmas Tree lighted up for the duration of December. We hope this could be an annual Event as we proceed to Clean Up all Heritage sites in and around the Frontier Region in Promoting the #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp Project. The #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp has a Mandate to beautify and make attractive Heritage Sites that have a significant meaning to the greater population, and subsequently enhance the visibility of these Prime Nodes which have been demarcated for this purpose for the benefit of larger SOCIETY.
The Programme is expected to commence from the 1st of November 2019 until the end of November prior to the final day of lighting up the first Christmas Tree on the 1st of December 2019, and the Mayor is expected to switch on the first light at 19:00 which is early evening. We anticipate this will also help in the Support of other means of bringing Peace and Unity in our Country.
The #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp Campaign is expected to create more Jobs for Communities in which they are based, according to their Wards. And is intended to be an ongoing Programme and presently we have 5 VOLUNTEERS and we hope soon we will be able to raise enough Funds to have Permanent Placements and Create Business Opportunities for the Youth and the Unemployed in our Townships.
We hope that this Venture will attract more Businesses and create a better City of Makhanda and the Sarah Baartman District.
The City of Saints will be celebrating 200 years annivesary of its founding in 1820, and we have Developed a Programme called #2020Vision that is targeted at creating a better South Africa, making this City a hub of Activities. The Aim is to create sustainable Job and Business Opportunities for the Youth and the Unemployed People in our Communities. It is time that the Citizens of this Country hold hands together #Peace&Unity and make an effort to change their immediate surrounding Areas they live.
The City of Saints has adopted the term "Creative" and we should start now and create a better World for ALL.