The King Lobengula Foundation has teamed up with the a new Organisation called the Borderlands from the shores of Cape Town. Borderlands is about creating Art in open Community spaces. The King Lobengula Foundation would be working closely with Borderlands to make Makhanda [Grahamstown] an exciting place for various genre of Artists, thus includes Sculptors; Visual Artists and Live Performers. We intend to "beautify" these Heritage Sites and make them accessible to the Community for both RECREATIONAL and EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. We are inviting the Community to give a hand by Volunteering their time and Resources to make this Development Initiative a success for the benefit of the Community and Makhanda City. The Collaboration of the two entities will bring much needed Business and Job Opportunities to help ease the burden of Unemployment among the Youth and, at the same time improve the quality of our Landscape to attract more Tourists in these neglected spaces in our Township. The #HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp Project was mandated with the duty to Society to Clean Up and Beautify our Heritage Sites using Recycled Waist Material collected and subsequently make something Artistic out of them, as we can see at Mt. Zion where we used most of the materials found around the site including KAOLIN and a lot of Plastic waste. We therefore encourage the whole Society to be part of this Regeneration of our City, and ultimately the Regeneration of our Society, through Cultural Cohesion and Racial Tolerance.