The Commemoration of African Heroes and Heroines Workshop which was held today on the 23rd of March 2020 at the Princess Zila Lobengula Cultural Village was running for the third (3) year. The Event was attended by various Community Organization, including the NDSF. Amongst the attendees was Mr. Xonxa who recently received an award for best Heritage Practitioner in the Eastern Cape; Mr. Lindile Jela who is also the Chairman of Albany Board; Mr. Mandla Sokanyile of ANC-VL and the members of the 6SAI-BN, Major Williams, Mrs. Mbali Malusi (Communication Officer) and Sgt. Nofimele. The Workshop had the opportunity to be well represented by members of the Community who also got a chance to learn about the Corona Virus and the Laws that have been put in place to curb the movement of the virus.
The Commemoration Workshop was opened officially by Mr. Xonxa who also gave us a few lessons on the importance of our Heritage and how imperative it is that more Research is conducted in order to set our history on the right track, and he spoke vehemently about the forgotten story of the Lobengula Family that is left behind at Kwa-Ndancama Gravesite. He stressed the importance of information sharing and the continued collaboration with various Stakeholders that are involve in the promotion and recognition of our HERITAGE RESOURCES, including such as these Events that are intent on "restoring and redressing" the lost and rich Heritage. It is one of the reason that the King Lobengula Foundation has taken upon itself and launched the Commemoration of African Heroes and Heroines which is a Project aimed to bring collaboration with various Stakeholders in and around Makana Region with a same Vision.
The Lobengula history in the Eastern Cape goes back 126 years in 1894, when the British Flag was hanged at koBulawayo and the country was renamed Rhodesia. The whole demise of the Lobengula Generation that ended in the Eastern Cape started when greed and treachery entered the mind of the famous 'colonial' and capitalist Cecil John Rhodes. He had heard about the abundant Mineral Reserves found in the land of Mthwakazi's (another name for AmaNdebele kaMzilikazi). Mineral Seekers and Bounty Hunters have longed searched the land that lies on the other side of the Limpopo River, hence when Cecil heard of the King Lobengula has been negotiating with the Afrikaner named Piet Grobler, his ultimate plan was put in motion to destroy koBulawayo and take over the Country. Hence in 1894 after the disappearance of King Lobengula beyond the Pashu River, he didn’t waste no time to remove the eligible heirs to the Cape Colony to be educated. It was his dream that after finishing to build the university in Groote Schuur they might further their studies under his supervision. But history tells us that he died in 1902 before he could finish building the only university that will have the Anglo-Saxon only community.
Rhodes Lobengula was born in 1903, and got baptized at the St. Philips Anglican Church in Fingo Village. Rhodes kaNjube kaLobengula was given the name by Cecil. J. Rhodes with the intent to perpetuate the Colonial State that he has created, hence Rhodes University was also named after him since he was the benefactor of the now "dream" that has been built instead of Cape Town, it was now in "Grahamstown" [Makhanda].
It is one of the reasons that we congregated at the Princess Zila Lobengula Cultural Village to unravel some of these mysteries, that have left some of our "brothers and sisters" in limbo not knowing which direction the world is going. Hence we started this Communal Workshop that is all inclusive to all who have the intent to promote the Culture and Heritage of the Africans.
It is this reason we have seen the need and necessity to embrace this day in our Calendar and remember our 'Fallen and Living Heroes and Heroines" of our times with such Workshops. We shall continue to work closely with other Organizations to pass this message, as we want to spread this throughout the whole Country and to reach beyond the borders to lands such as England.