The king Lobengula Foundation September Month Games & Cultural Activities

By Sizwe Mda · Sep 19, 2022
The king Lobengula Foundation September Month Games & Cultural Activities picture

The King Lobengula Foundation has launched for the first time in Makhanda, September Heritage Month Games which opened on the 1st of September 2022. The Games are intended to be an Annual Event that would draw people from all over the world to come and participate. The Aim of these EVENTS is to cultivate Peace and Unity amongst diverse Cultures that exist within our Continent. Hence, the Slogan “#PEACE&UNITY in AFRICA which is Promoted as the ‘Theme’ for the Event.

The September Heritage Month Games and Cultural Activities which has a range of Programmes that include amongst others a Dialogue [with Exhibitions]; Commemoration of Heroes and Heroines; the Sporting Games and finally the Fun Run Walk Marathon. All these Activities are scheduled to take place during the Month of September. And we already seen the success of the previous Events that have taken place during the first few weeks of the month. Now we are looking at the final games which will take place on the 24th of September 2022.

The Final Games include the King Lobengula Foundation Tournament, which kick-started on the 17th of September with 30 Football Teams Competing for the Gold Medal. This year there was a range of participants including 6SAI-BN and the SAPS, but though they did not make it to the finals due to misfortune, but we hope next year they will again join to contest for the biggest Tournament in the Sarah Baartman District Municipality. Most of the Soccer Teams that participated came from the surrounding Townships and as far as Lalibele Game Reserve. 

Tourism in Makhanda is one of the Industries that is not properly packaged in a way that could Attract Visitors, most of the Heritage Sites are filled with litter and some are in dilapidated conditions. Hence, our main Objective is to “protect; preserve; promote; and perpetuate the legacy of all these Heroes and Heroines that are lying here in silence without recognition from the Authorities. Hence we also operate one of the successful Projects called, Imvelo Heritage Project [HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp] which is targeted at cleaning up these HERITAGE SITES and to maintain them, this is in line with Job Creation and Social Development through Creative Methods.

Our Vision is to enhance the visibility of the vast Heritage Resources that are found throughout Fingo Village, but never explored. Most Tourist’s that visit the City of Saints pass through without realising the enormous heritage riches that are found in these uncultivated pieces of landscape. Hence, our most important Event is the Fun Run Walk Marathon that will take the Runner/s through tangible Heritage Sites like the St. Philips Anglican Church; The Old Beer Hall; Mt. Zion Royal Heritage Site; the Old Victoria Cemetery; the Lobengula Graves; Nathaniel Nyaluza High; and lastly but not least eGazini Memorial Precinct. This is a great opportunity for Historians and Artists to come and learn about the history of Fingo Village and all its Heritage, which I find “amazing”. We invite Students and Tourists alike to come and do Research on real facts about the Lobengula Gravesite that happens to be in the midst of this historic landscape. This is the time for Adventure Tourist’s to come and explore this vast landscape with the available Tours and Workshops that can be BOOKED @ [email protected] or WhatsApp no: +27 (0)736649849. For Donation and Sponsorship please Contact us…#HeritageResourcesRegeneration_CleanUp Campaign


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