The Princess Zila Lobengula Museum was opened on the 23 of March 2019, on her first birthday after her untimely passing on the 28 of May 2018. The daughter of the soil was born of Rhodes and Nombina Lobengula in Peddie in 1934 and spent some of her adult life at Fingo Village. She was the last daughter of the five (5) children of the Royal couple. The Museum is dedicated at protection and preservation of Historical Artefacts related to the Colonial regime that disposed many families and left many in isolated and dilapidated circumstances. Hence the Museum is intent at restoring and preserving African Literature and Artefacts that are used to recreate and resuscitate some of the lost Heritage, through Research and Dialogue. The Workshops are inclusive of everyone who enjoys Cultural Experience and keen on helping in conducting and collecting conclusive data that would be Archived and made available for generations to come in this small holding called the "Roots of Mankind". ALL FORMS of Creative Thinking and inspired by Innovative Concepts are more than welcomed to Exhibit and assist in the collection of Data. Artists and Academics alike are the welcomed to help with deploying their Skills in teaching the Young Children and the marginalised Citizens in our Community.